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1492 : The year that changed History!


1492 is considered as one of the most important years in the Spanish History for several reasons. As we have studied, the Catholic Monarchs, with the union of the two kingdoms, ended in the conquest of Granada, letting the moors with his King Boabdil, coming back to Africa or just adopting the catholic religion.

On the other hand, and as we have seen in class, jewish people were expulsed from Spain also in 1492.

This year brought us the discovery of America by Christopher Colombus, with the partnership of the Catholic Monarchs becoming one of the most transcendental facts of World History.

Finally, in 1492, we created our first set of rules of our language. Antonio de Nebrija was in charge of making how do we have to talk Spanish language and the different uses that we can apply.

With all of the above in mind... we can say that 1492 changed the path of Spanish History and even World History.


1 Comment

Oct 14, 2019

Hola Javi soy Manuel Fernández, he visto el video, me ha parecido muy interesante porque lo esplican muy bien y con los dibujos lo entiendo mucho mejor

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