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My Little Project! #CreateABusiness #Entrepeneurship


Actualizado: 29 abr 2020

We have to create a project creating our little business and you are going to be the CEO.

Things that you have to do:

Create the name and logo, choose the product that you want to sell, choose the different departments telling what they are going to do regarding your company and the location of the market that you are going to sell (for example, Spain and it is going to be a local business), create an organogram with the name of people you want to hire.

You can use: PowerPoint or Canva.

It is really easy to register and you will have the opportunity to design it in a creative way.

The next 11th May I will correct them on streaming. I will tell you the URL in the same day.

Send it to me by mail or you can use the blog:

Here I have uploaded an interview with a friend, that works in the Business Sector and can help you to create the project. The interview is in Spanish language.



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