Primary Sector podcast is AVAILABLE! and now is your turn to do the three exercises that you did in your notebook, but this time answering this post. You don't have to copy the heading, you just only have to write down the answer following this structure:
The exercises proposed are these ones:

Answer them and please WRITE YOUR NAME AND SURNAME!
Hola Javier, nos iremos poniendo al dia.. Un cordial saludo
Soy Luna Carmona.
:ice cream : milk. shoes: rubber. chair: wood. bread:flour
2.dry crops:wheat, olives, pulses, grapes, oats.
irrigated crops:rice, vegetables and fruit
3:mining: coal, marble and silver
livestok farming: milk, eggs.
forestry: wool, cork
arable farming:apples,
soy raul lopez
Hi Javier, this is Manuel F. Those are my homeworks. Sorry for the delay
1:ice crean milk frutos shows Ruber chair Woody bread and wheath
2: dry críos wheath olives grapes oats irrigated crops Rice fruit pulses
3: Salmon - fishing Apple -arable farming coal- mininng milk- livestak marable-minning silver- minning cork- foresty farming eggs - livesatook
Javi soy César a qui mis deberes un beso😘
Hola Javier, soy Carmen. Te envío los ejercicios, un saludo
Hi Javi these are the exercises you sent us. Bye bye see you soon
I've checked all the answers and are correct! CONTINUE LIKE THIS!!! 😎😎
Hello Javi I´m Juan Pedro
Hello Javi,
I´m Sara De Miguel.
Here are my homeworks:
Hola soy Paula Simarro, aquí están los ejercicios que has mandado. Muchos besos
Hello Javi, Manuel Menéndez Suárez send yo the ejercidas. Greetings.
Hola Javi,
soy Noa Pastor Navarrete.
Te adjunto mis ejercicios
Un saludo
Exercise 1.
Ice cream: milk; shoes: leather; chair: wood and bread. wheat
Exercise 2.
Although some of this crops are cultivated in both types like: fruit (there are fruit from irrigated crops or fruit from dry crops), vegetables or olives (traditionally it´s dry crops but now it is cultivated in irrigated crops.
Exercise 3.
Arable Farming: Apples
Livestock Farming: wool, eggs and milk
Fishing: salmon
Forestry: cork
Minihg: silver, coal and marble
javier tengo otra cuenta por el movil si ves que falta uno sere yo
Javi la otra cuenta soy yo pero en el ordenador y esta cuenta en la tablet así que si notas que te falta un niño para entregar sere yo en la otra
1. Ice cream: Milk, Shoes: leather. Chair: wood. Bread: flour
2. Dry crops: wheat, olives, pulses, vegetables
Irrigated crops: rice, grapes, fruit, oats
3.Arable farming: apples
Livestock farming: wool, milk,eggs
Fishing: salmon
Forestry: marble, cork
Mining:coal, silver.
1. Ice cream: milk, shoes: rubber, chair:wood And bread:wheat.
2. Irrigated crops:rice,vegetables and fruit. Dry crops:grapes,wheat,pulses,oats and oliver.
3.Arable farming: Apples.
Livestock farming: eggs,milk and wool.
Fishing: salmon.
Mining:Silver,coal and marble.