Hi boys and girls! I have uploaded a brand new episode of our podcast, talking about the Secondary Sector. I hope that you are going to listen to it and follow it without any kind of problem! Here I give you some exercises that I will correct soon in order to check that you have understood the contents. Thank you!

soy raul lopez
bridges:construction industries
clothes: consumer good industries
procossed food: consumer good industries
furniture: consumer good industries
road: construction industries
electricity: energy industries
adventages: they work at home and can make one example for he or she
desventages: the material cost much money,they work a lot of hours
they go to a big cities because are lots of population in that city and recive more money
textiles industries: t-shirts, trausers etc...
furniture industry:tables, chairs etc...
cosmetic industries: gel, perfums etc...
Hi Javi these are the exercises of secondary sector. Bye, bye.
Hola Javier, te envío el ejercicio de social secondary sector
Luna Carmona,
Luna Carmona.
Estos son los Ejercicios de Carmen Gómez.
I have seen that all of your answers of the first exercise are perfect.
In the second exercise as Sara says, a really good advantage is that is friendly with the environment. Yago be careful with the spelling, we say BETTER, but your answer is nice too.
Regarding the disadvantages, the most important one is that it takes a long time to finish the product and also that the materials are expensive.
The answer of Jorge regarding the third exercise has . There are the two biggest cities here in Spain, so they are really populated but at the same time, as Manu said, there are really good facilities according to transport and buildings that let these industries to settle down. Manu use better Facility if you want to say Infraestructura.
Finally the examples that you have given to me in the 4th exercise are all of them right!
Now listen to the new podcast episode and answer the next questions of the Tertiary Sector!
Good job class!!!😎
Hi Javier, those are my exercises. Regards. Manuel F
hello i´m Sara.
1- Bridges: construction industries.
Clothes: customer good industries.
Procesed food: base industries.
Furniture: base industries.
Roads: construction.
Electricity: energy industries.
2- Advances: the produts are in veter conditions and is veter for the enviroment.
Disavances: are more expensive and and takes a lot of time.
3- Because in the big cities are more people and they buy them more.
4- Textile industrie: coton and wool.
Furniture industrie: cars and motorbikes.
Cosmetics industries: toothpaste and suncream.
I´m Yago cuidate javi😘😎😉😀
Hello Javi,
please find attached my secondary sector exercises
Hola, te envío los ejercicios. Un beso